Musée Rodin
Created in 1916 by Auguste Rodin’s own initiative, the Musée Rodin (Rodin Museum) features the majority of the artist’s sculptures and work in the Hotel Biron, a charming rococo mansion and its gardens.
The Collection
Rodin donated his work and the artwork he had collected throughout his life so that they could be shown in the Hotel Biron, where he had lived since 1908.
The artwork is made up of 6,500 sculptures made out of marble, bronze, terracotta, and plaster, and some 10,000 drawings including lithographs, watercolors, and engravings.
As well as Rodin’s work, the museum also contains the artwork collected by the sculptor, made up of 1,700 paintings, nearly 7,000 photographs, and over 6,400 sculptures and ancient objects.
The 3-hectare garden is one of the most popular parts of the museum. Here, visitors will find some of the artist’s most famous sculptures such as The Gates of Hell, Balzac, The Thinker, and Bourgeois de Calais, all surrounded by a charming landscape.
In spring, the park is especially beautiful and many Parisians and tourists buy the admission ticket just to see the Sculpture Garden without visiting the mansion.
Inside the Hotel Biron visitors will find more of the sculptor’s work such as the emblematic marble sculptor of The Kiss.
Visitors will also have the chance to see other artists' work, since one of the halls of the museum is dedicated to Camille Claudel’s work, the artist’s lover, student, and collaborator.
For Everyone
The Musée Rodin is one of our favorite museums in Paris. It's not even necessary to pay the full price to see some of the sculptor’s main work since visitors can just access the Sculptor Garden for just € 4 (US$ 4.14).

Tuesday to Sunday: 10 am – 6:30 pm
Monday: closed
Adults: € 14 (US$ 14.50)
EU residents (ages 18-25): € 9 (US$ 9.32)
Free entry with the Paris Pass and the Paris Museum Pass
Garden only: € 1 (US$ 1.03)
Combined ticket to Orsay Museum - Musée Rodin: € 25 (US$ 25.90)
Metro: Varenne or Invalides, lines 8 and 13
RER: Invalides, line C
Bus: lines 69, 82, 87 and 92
Nearby places
Les Invalides (246 m) Musée de l’Armée (295 m) Musée d’Orsay (918 m) Musée de l’Orangerie (1.1 km) Petit Palais (1.2 km)